Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting April 26, 2010 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida
Certifying of Quorum – Call to order
-The meeting was called to order by president, Jim Frey at 7:04 p.m. Directors Anthony Jones, Susan Beller and Tiffiny Boren in attendance, making this 4 out of 4 current board members present, which made this a quorum. Kasey Green from McNeil Management was also present. Notice of meeting was posted at entrance of subdivision for timely notice of meeting.
Reading of unapproved Minutes
On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously
Resolved: To waive the reading and approve them as presented.
Financial reports
-Remain as of the last meeting with no changes. Discussion open to floor with no questions voiced.
-Reviewed monthly assets, Accounts, Reserved cash and General Ledger and nothing was out of ordinary.
Read by Kasey Green-McNeil Management
Committee Updates
-ACC: All new requests have been approved.
-Asking for new members, meetings are held 1st Monday of every month at the Frey residence.
-Neighborhood Watch: Had several interested in building a NH Watch. All interested please contact Anthony Jones’ residence. All interested are welcome.
-New Board Members: New board members were elected and voted on making a motion to elect by Jim Frey and second by Tiffiny Boren, Anthony Jones and Susan Beller. New Board Members are as follows; Sharon Spalding, Richard Phipps and Martin Perez.
-NEW* YARD of the MONTH Program was discussed and will be put into place very soon. This program, will be monitored by McNeil. Mngt.: Once this program takes effect the Yard of the month sign will be placed in the best-maintained and neat yard in the neighborhood. More details will be discussed in our next meeting.
-Sharpe Scapes are doing a fine job maintaining common grounds. They sent in a question that has been voted on by the board about the bushes up front by sign, to either dig them up and replace or to chop them down and see if they will come back which this option is included in our monthly service. The board agreed to save the extra money. The bushes are already coming back.
-Change in attorney was discussed and will be discussed and voted on at the emergency meeting that will be announced 48 hours prior to meeting. Signs will be put out front of communities 48 hrs prior. We encourage all homeowners to attend.
-It has been hard to collect dues due to economy. If any one is having a hardship call your management Company, McNeil Management, so payment arrangements can be set up prior to your payment due date. Let Someone Know.
New Business
-HOA will pay up front costs for Forced mowing in turn costs will be put on homeowner.
-Costs of Force mowing vacant or unmaintained property was discussed. We would like to thank the Gentleman that joined our meeting for volunteering to mow a property we were about to force mow. We give Thanks to this gentleman.
Unfinished Business
-Amendments to Guidelines that Lennar was suppose to change will be taking place with McNeil and the Attorneys to have all amendments that were voted on by the homeowners.
Community updates
-Fencing problem from hole kicked out for access to Magnolia Pool.
-Costs of streetlights from January to September per taxes should be $75.85 per lot.
-Swift Mud being maintained on a quarterly basis
On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously.
Resolved: To adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.