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2024 Budget Meeting - 10/2/23

Trapnell Ridge HOA

2023 Budget Meeting

Monday, October 2, 2023

6:30 PM

OnPoint CoWork Solutions

1805 James L Redman Pkwy, Ste 202

Plant City, FL 33563


I. Call to Order by Anthony Jones at 6:31PM


II. Verify quorum of board: Kevin Anderson, Jason Stanley, and Anthony Jones in attendance. Quorum obtained.

III. Financial Reports

1. Monthly financial reports as of 10.02.2023

o    Cash Operating $34,983.43

o    Cash Reserved $45,644.76

o    Total Cash $80,628.19

IV. Purpose of Meeting

1. Board reviews and votes on 2024 proposed budget

o Jason motions to approved, seconded by Kevin, all in favor. 2024 budget approved.

2. Graffiti in park discussion

o $1,000 bid from Buddy’s Pressure Washing to remove graffiti in park approved unanimously.

a. Board approves cleaning fences behind picket – HCM to contact Buddy’s.

o Camera did not go far enough back to catch those who vandalized the park.

a. Space on camera currently holds 4 days history. HCM to contact OnPoint about options for larger storage.

3. Community members in attendance request benches on Harvest Orchard pond for families who like to fish the pond.

o The community has enough funds to cover the addition of 3 benches on the pond. HCM to order benches.


V. Motion to Adjourn by Anthony at 6:47PM, seconded by Kevin.


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