Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting August 2, 2010 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida
Certifying of Quorum
Call to order -The meeting was called to order by president, Jim Frey at 7:05 p.m. Directors Anthony Jones, Susan Beller, Tiffiny Boren, Sharon Spalding and Richard Phipps in attendance, making this 6 out of 7 current board members present, which made this a quorum. Mellissa Fort and Pam Piner from McNeil Management were also present. Notice of meeting was posted at entrance of subdivision for timely notice of meeting.
Reading of unapproved Minutes On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously
Resolved: To waive the reading and approve them as presented.
Financial reports -Reviewed Current financials, Reserve Cash and total Assets. Read by Mellissa Fort with McNeil Management.
-Reviewed Total delinquency and current year budget totals.
Committee Updates
-ACC: 3 New requests were sent in not all of the requests were approved due to community Bi-Laws and Standards.
-Asking for new members, meetings are held 1st Monday of every month at the Frey residence.
-Neighborhood Watch: Anthony Jones has submitted a proposal on the expenses to have a NHW. Proposal was discussed and unanimously approved to include a Cellular phone that will cost 40$ each month.
-New Board Members: Board Members remain the same until new election at next Board meeting October 25th @ 7:00Pm. Jim Frey, Jones, Tiffiny Boren, Susan Beller, Sharon Spalding, Richard Phipps and Martin Perez.
-It has been hard to collect dues due to economy if any one is having a hardship call your management Company McNeil Management so payment arrangements can be set up prior to your payment due date. Let Someone Know.
New Business -Yard of the Month is going great, many improvements in the residences yards since this has been in place.
-Nominations for Yard of the month are accepted by dropping the nominations off to 3903 Trapnell Ridge Dr.
-Monthly Newsletter: Started monthly Newsletter in June. We will be including reminder to residences about parking on the street, blocking driveways, lawn maintenance etc. Each month these reminders will change. We will also be including more information about our website.
-Next Meeting announcement is October 25th 2010 @ 7:00 PM
-3704 Trapnell Grove loop has been condemned. McNeil Management will be contacting Code enforcement about allowing the neighbors to clean up the trash and debris from around this condemned home as it is a health hazard as well as potentially dangerous flying material if we encounter a storm.
Unfinished Business -McNeil Management will be getting quotes on a NO SOLICITATING sign for our front entrance.
Community updates -Residences that would like to run for the board will need to come to our next meeting in October 2010.
On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously.
Resolved: To adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m.