Trapnell Ridge Community Association, INC Quarterly Meeting February 2, 2015 Lone Oak Baptist Church 3505 Lone Oak Road, Plant City, FL 33567
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association by Anthony Jones at 6:30pm.
Verification of Quorum
Verification of timely notice of meeting
Verification of minutes from annual meeting
Financial Report Presented by Anthony Jones
Speed Buffers
Anthony will be contacting the City of Plant City to gather information for the board so there can be a vote to retain or remove the buffers that are in place.
There is a new Facebook page in place that Debbie Jarvis will be maintaining.
There were a few day time break in’s in the community. It was asked that the residents be aware and to report anything suspicious to the police.
Community yard sale will be held February 21, 2015 and it has been advertised.
Amberlee will be maintaining the website with any new updates.
Questions were asked about a trapper for the bob and wild cats, Scott to check on it.
The board is going to work on community events and movie nights.
Jim Frey gave the ACC report – two requests were received for painting and both were approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:09 pm