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Quarterly Meeting - 10/19/09

Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting October 19, 2009 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida

Certifying of Quorum-Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President, Jim Frey at 7:07 p.m. Manager presented affidavit of mailing as proof that Budget Meeting Notice had been mailed to all owners at least 15 days in advance. Directors Harold Walters and Anthony Jones also attended. With 3 of the 5 current board members present, it was determined that a quorum was established. Doug Pinner from McNeil Management was also present.

Reading of Unapproved Minutes

On Motion: Duly made by Harold Walters, seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously.

Resolve: To waive the reading of the minutes and approve them as presented.

Financial Reports

Financials: Manager presented financial reports through September 2009. Reports filed for audit.

Delinquent Accounts: Manager presented delinquency report and answered questions regarding collection process. Report filed for audit.

Unfinished Business

TECO Street Lights: Manager indicated that Plant City has now taken over responsibility for payment of the street lighting within Trapnell Ridge. They have reimbursed the Association for their prorated portion of the monies paid in September 2009. The Association will see no further charges.

New Business

Management Reports: Manager presented Sent Notices Report, most items were related to lot maintenance issues. Manager presented the Ongoing Violations Report, board provided direction regarding escalation of enforcement actions. Manager presented ACC report. ACC will get with manager following meeting regarding pending items.

2010 Budget Discussion: Jim Frey presented the Proposed 2010 Budget to the board. The board and manager responded to questions from the floor. Board will conduct final discussion and vote regarding budget during upcoming meeting on November 2, 2009.


On Motion: Duly made by Harold Walters, seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously.

Resolve: To adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM.


© 2023. Trapnell Ridge Community HOA. Plant City, FL.

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