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Annual Meeting - 11/28/11

Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting Monday, November 28, 2011 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida

Certifying of Quorum- Call to order The meeting was called to order by president, Anthony Jones, at 7:05 p.m., Directors, Ray Rachal, Jim Frey, and Maria Rachal in attendance, making this 4 board members present, which made this a quorum. Gigi Homes from McNeil Management was present. Notice of meeting was posted at entrance of subdivision for timely notice of meeting.

Reading of last year Annual Meeting: Last year Annual meeting minutes were not provided.

Committee Updates

ACC: McNeil Management has provided the Board of Directors with the architecture information for the new homes that they are anticipating on building in our community the builder is High Land Homes. (All Board Members will review and provide recommendations back to McNeil)

Community Violation: Gigi will provide us with a more detail understanding of the current violations in the community, by consolidating the report into different categories.

The Board of Directors is looking to decreasing the amount of violations in the community; since we are out of suggestions on the decrease of community violation then the last resource would be to assess fines.

New start for 2012 First Quarter; the Board of Directors will analyze the violation report and attempt to contact the homeowners to help them understand and rectify the violation. If the homeowner neglects the recommendation then the fine will be requested.

Yard of the Month: In the process of purchasing the Lowes gift card for the yard of the month.

The new incentive will start January 2012.

New Message Board will be installed in front of the community for community updates.

New Board Member:

· Antony Jones will hold his current position as the President of the Board of Directors.

· Jim Frey has accepted the position as the Vice President of the Board of Directors.

· Ray Rachal will hold is current position as a Director on the Board

· Karen Wyckoff has accepted a position on the Board as a Director.

· Maria Rachal will hold her position as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

Congratulation goes out to Jim Frey and Karen Wyckoff for accepting a position on the Board of Directors. Welcome aboard Karen!

· Mr. Richard Phipps has resigned his position as the Vice President of the Board of Directors.

New hours for our next Board meeting; February 6, 2012 at 6:30

2012 Board Meeting Schedule:






Board Meeting



Board Meeting



Board Meeting



Budget Meeting



Annual Meeting

Future Projects;

Looking for some ideas to improve the small park area; possibly installing a basketball goal in the near future. It depends on the additional cost for the insurance. McNeil Management will provide us with additional information on the insurance cost

Unfinished Business: None


On Motion: Duly made by Anthony Jones and second by Jim Frey and carried unanimously.

Resolved: to adjourn the meeting at 7:56p.m.


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