Board Meeting
May 6, 2024
OnPoint CoWork Solutions (State Farm Building)
1805 N. James L Redman Parkway (2nd Floor)
Plant City, FL 33563
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Anthony Jones at 6:30PM
Verify quorum of board: Terry Phillips and Anthony Jones in attendance. Quorum obtained.
Meeting posted on bulletin board May 3, 2024
Meeting minutes from last meeting read.
II. Financial Reports
Monthly financial reports as of 05.06.2024
Cash Operating $32,484.46
Cash Reserved $56,768.61
Total Cash $147,335.80
III. New Business
Anthony spoke about the cleanup needed of cans/trash on the 2nd pond. The water level is still too high for clean up to be scheduled.
Anthony spoke about the camera footage freezing at the playground. The signal is too weak, and an extender needs to be installed.
Anthony spoke about mulch replacement inside the playground. The board agreed to monitor until it was necessary to add additional mulch.
Anthony spoke about the upcoming Halloween party. He wants to make sure all items are purchased prior to the event.
IV. Old Business
Everyone had a good time at the Easter Celebration.
V. Adjournment
Anthony motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:37pm. Terry Phillips second the motion.