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1st Quarter Board Meeting - 2/6/23



Board Meeting

February 6, 2023


OnPoint CoWork Solutions (State Farm Building)

1805 N. James L Redman Parkway (2nd Floor)

Plant City, FL 33563

I. Call to Order by Anthony Jones at 6:30PM


II. Verify quorum of board: Kevin Anderson, Jason Stanley, and Anthony Jones in attendance. Quorum obtained.


III. Financial Reports


  1. Monthly financial reports as of 02.06.2023 a. Cash Operating $24,832.17 b. Cash Reserved $34,939.68 c. Total Cash $59,771.82


IV. New Business

  1. Playground Mulch Quote from Sharpescapes -tabled

    • $1100 for 3” coat of mulch 

    • $2200 for 6” coat of mulch

  2. Park Fence Needs Cleaning

    • Are there any other areas that need attention? HCM to get bids for picket fence, basketball court, and corner panels

  3. Wooden Board Repair on HOD Gate further action tabled, Anthony confirmed Plant City Fire Department lock on gate

  4. Road Patch Needed on HOD

    • Are there any other areas that need attention? HCM to contact Hillsborough County, no other repairs requested 

V. Old Business

  1. Bid for camera replacement/repair from OnPoint

    • Revised bid for $1934.64 dated 2/7/2023 – Anthony motions to approve bid, seconded by Jason 

  2. Shed Repairs -

  • HCM to get bids for flooring and sealing up the sides to prevent bugs 

  1. Trampoline Removal Update 

VI. Motion to Adjourn by Anthony at 7:09PM, seconded by Kevin.


© 2023. Trapnell Ridge Community HOA. Plant City, FL.

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