Trapnell Ridge Community Association, INC Quarterly Meeting August 6, 2012 Highland Community Management Office 3020 S Florida Avenue Suite 101 Lakeland, FL 33803
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association Secretary Maria Rachel at 6:48pm
Verification of Quorum
Discussion of old business
The turnover documentation is entered, reconciled and current
Community inspections will be completed mid month and end of month
Community yard sale was a success
The fence has been replaced from the fire
Dues should be mailed to Highland Community Management or to Bank
Introduction of Denise Abercrombie who is the new contact for Highland Community Management.
Anthony Jones spoke on receiving quotes for the community park to help keep the children off of the streets. Received Danielle Fence quote of $7,265 and ask Denise to check on the quote for Walker Fence.
Maria Rachal also added there will be two dog walking stations purchased for the community.
Jim Frey spoke about speed survey completed with the low percentage of speeding traffic compared to overall traffic the City would not do anything at this time. Per City of Plant City no speed bumps allowed in the city.
Jim Frey added he would call the Attorney Robert Tankel, concerning short sale verses renting the three properties owned by the Association.
Karen Wyckoff asked that the attendees complete the community survey.
Trapnell Ridge new website is now up and running.
A homeowner brought up home owners should donate time to fix up the homes the Association owns verses paying someone to do it. Maria brought up that the contract has been signed for 3610 Harvest Orchard but on the other homes they would see how the volunteer idea would work out.
The announcement was made that the next board meeting would be October 8th at 6:30pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm