Trapnell Ridge
Community Association, Inc.
Quarterly Board Meeting
May 7, 2019
Lone Oaks Church
3505 Lone Oak Road
Plant City, FL 33567
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association at 6:30pm.
Verification of Quorum - Maria, Anothony & Jason in attendance
Verification of timely notice of meeting
Verification of minutes from Annual Meeting Feb. 2018
Financial Report Presented
Easter event turned out well with 25-50 people in attendance
Camera’s at the park: Anthony stated that they were double checked and that he was monitoring them. He wants to order new ones
Police patrol still in effect. The person going through trash was identified.
No soliciting sign needed for entrance , get quote to replace water damaged message board at TRD/Lone Oak entrance
Horse & see-saw at the playground broken- get bids to repair
Kids on golf cart have been identified and were talked to. Anthony stated they were “respectful”
Questions were raised about a community yard sale.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:51 pm