Trapnell Ridge HOA
Board Meeting
Monday, May 3, 2021
6:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 414 2949
Passcode: TR2021
Call to Order Anthony Jones at 6:45PM
Verify quorum by Kimber of HCM with Jason Stanley and Anthony Jones in attendance.
Verify timely notice of meeting: signs were posted by the 29 th of April.
Reading of last meeting minutes: approved
Financial Reports
Monthly Financial Reports as of 05.03.2021
Cash Operating $19,462.50
Cash Reserved $46,549.34
Total Cash $66,011.84
With Assets $114,629.10
New Business
Appointment of new ARC member – Anthony Jones to give information at a later date.
Letters for message board – HCM to order – Ordered letters on 5-4-2021
Anthony reminder to not send notice for signs unless they are political.
Adjournment by Anthony Jones at 6:52PM, seconded by Jason Stanley.