Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting March 3, 2009 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida
HOA BOARD MEETING SIGN POSTED Saturday 28 February 2009 at 6:00 PM
Certifying of Quorum – Call to Order
President Shawn Vinson called the meeting to order at 7:23 PM. A quorum was achieved by attendance of a majority of the members of the Directors. Kelly of McNeil Management was also present. The sign-in sheet has been placed in the Association records.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Jim and seconded by Anthony.
RESOLVE: To approve minutes as e-mailed to BOD.
Financial Reports
Financial reports were read over and discussed. When looking at the budget it appears to be over budget, this is due to December bills not being paid until January during the switch in our management companies.
Delinquent accounts totaled 60 in January of which 24 were sent to the attorney.
Curb appeal will be enforced due to the number of homes that need the service including the ones in foreclosure
Unfinished Business
3427 Trapnell Ridge Drive owner will contact FreeMarr to send paperwork stating they would pay the difference on the HOA dues.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Shawn and seconded by Jim.
RESOLVED: Property owner to contact FreeMarr and send paperwork to McNeil.
Landscape Company we have was compared with 5 different companies in 7 different areas. McNeil’s was asked for their input on companies they deal with and the board excluded the planting of annuals.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Jim and seconded by Susan R Beller
RESOLVED: SharpScapes will be our new vendor for Landscaping.
Insurance quote discussed among BOD.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Susan and seconded by Jim.
RESOLVED: To change insurance companies and contract with Lutes.
Discussion by the BOD on how to handle the CD for the community either a single CD or ladder the CD would be best.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Anthony and seconded by Shawn.
RESLOVED: The CD will be made into a Ladder CD to keep some cash availed when needed.
CRM has not reimbursed us the fees charged when they closed our checking account early. Discussed by the board that if the communication with CRM remains as it is we will not recoup this expense.
Jim brought to the board that the website for the community which is $47.00 this year will increase to double the cost next year. BOD decision to buy the domain name and look for someone to develop the web site at this time. We will also research using our debit card for this purpose.
Fence behind subdivision facing Trapnell Ridge needs to have ½ of it repainted due to bleeding through of graffiti. Will look into how to get this done cost affective.
New business
Management reports were read through for all in attendance at the meeting and discussed by the BOD.
The property at 3413 Berry Blossom Lane will be turned over to the attorney after leaving a truck with no tire on the street for over one week.
MOTION: Duly made by Jim and seconded by Susan
RESOLVED: Property at 3413 to be turned over to our attorney.
All commercial vehicles need to cover advertising on vehicle or if printing is on the back window, back into driveways, this will be enforced.
Kasey talked about the HOA being Regis rated
with the State of Florida
MOTION: Duly made by Shawn and Seconded by Anthony
RESOLVED: HOA to be register by the state.
The HOA received a $50.00 gift card from Colonial Bank; this will be deposit into the HOA account
Committee Reports
MOTION: Duly made by Marilyn and seconded by Anthony. Unanimous
RESOLVED: The ACC committee needs 5 members to help with committee work.
Possible to use flyers to let the community know.
Anthony spoke on a social event of an Easter Egg Hunt that would be given by the Transformation Light Church. BOD gave approval for this to be looked into.
Neighborhood Watch needs 3 more members to get started.
Director’s comments
FreeMarr may be going out of business.
Community hours for teens.
Hillsbough County gives grants to help HOA’s keep common areas up, Kasey will check on this.
Open Session
Cracks in Solomon’s house from the sinkholes in Lone Oak Road.
How often is the grass cut in the passive park?
Owner can do Garage Sales in community.
We will request that the new landscaping company mow the easement to the park when they cut the common area.
ON MOTION: Duly made by Jim seconded by Anthony.
RESOLVED: To adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Beller, Secretary Trapnell Ridge HOA, Inc.