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Quarterly Meeting - 2/6/12

Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting February 6, 2012 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida

Certifying of Quorum- Call to order The meeting was called to order by president, Anthony Jones, at 7:00 p.m., Directors Jim Frey, Ray Rachal, Karen Wyckoff, and Maria Rachal in attendance, making this 5 board members present, which made this a quorum. Gigi Holmes from McNeil Management was present. Notice of meeting was posted at entrance of subdivision for timely notice of the meeting.

Reading of unapproved Minutes? Signed by Maria Rachal

Financial reports Reviewed monthly assets Accounts, Reserved cash and General Ledger and nothing was out of ordinary. Read by Gigi Holmes - McNeil Management, Trapnell Ridge is under budget in the amount of $12,629.49.

Committee Updates

Community Violation: The Board is very concern with the appearance and safety of our neighborhood, homeowner’s violations needs to be address. The community may be force to contact the Plant City Code Enforcement in order to get some of homeowner to understand how serious these violations are.

Newsletters: All of the Newsletters for February have been distribute throughout the community.

Community Yard Sale will be schedule for April 2012 date has not been confirmed. Once the date is confirm it will be advertising in the newspaper and posters and flyers will be distributed throughout the community.

New Business; According to McNeil Management, Trapnell Ridge Community has acquire two homes in the community through the Lawyer Robert Tankel.

Recently there was a fire on the outside perimeter of the community, the Southeast side, in the open field. There was concern about the fire because it came within 100 yards of the perimeter fence. The property belongs to the Horton Homes and the Plant City Fire Marshall order the empty field to be cut and cleaned up in five days.

The Trapnell Ridge HOA will be changing management companies as of 31 March 2012.

As of 1 April 2012 New HOA Management company Highland Home Management.

Board meeting; May 7, 2012

Future Projects; N/A

Unfinished Business; N/A


On Motion: Duly made by Anthony Jones and second by Jim Frey and carried unanimously.

Resolved: to adjourn the meeting at 8:07p.m.


© 2023. Trapnell Ridge Community HOA. Plant City, FL.

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