Trapnell Ridge
Community Association, Inc.
Quarterly Board Meeting
February 4, 2019
Lone Oaks Church
3505 Lone Oak Road
Plant City, FL 33567
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association at 6:30pm.
Verification of Quorum - Maria & Jason in attendance
Verification of timely notice of meeting
Verification of minutes from Annual Meeting November 2018
Financial Report Presented
Christmas turned out well with a good attendance.
No soliciting sign needed for entrance
Question if there will be an Easter Event, will be determined
Camera’s at the park, are they still operational and can they be accessed remotely, Jason to see if he can find out
Police patrol, next rotation of scheduling make sure they have some Sunday nights due to someone going through everyone’s trash
3617 Trapnell Ridge Drive repeat parking on grass – send letter
Meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm