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Quarterly Meeting - 2/1/10

Trapnell Ridge Homeowner’s Association, INC Board Meeting February 1, 2010 Lone Oak Baptist Church Lone Oak Road, Plant City, Florida

Certifying of Quorum – Call to order

-The meeting was called to order by president, Jim Frey at 7:07 p.m. Directors Harold Walters, Anthony Jones and Tiffiny Boren in attendance, making this 4 out of 5 current board members present which made this a quorum. Kasey Green from McNeil Management was also present. Notice of meeting was posted at entrance of subdivision for timely notice of meeting.

Reading of unapproved Minutes

On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously

Resolved: To waive the reading and approve them as presented.

Financial reports

-Remain as of the last meeting with no changes. Discussion open to floor with no questions voiced.

-Reviewed Monthly assets, Accounts, Reserved cash and General Ledger and nothing was out of ordinary.

Committee Updates

-ACC : All new requests have been approved.

-Asking for new members, meetings are held 1st Monday of every month at the Frey residence.

-Neighborhood Watch: Had several interested in building a NH Watch. A meeting in which to do so will be held March 1st 2010 at Anthony Jones’ residence. All interested are welcome to attend.

-President Jim Frey spoke about the accomplishments of the community during the last year after the BOD had been handed down from Lennar Builder to our community.

-Streetlight will be paid by Plant City now and not our HOA, Yearly savings of $11,000.

-Change in Insurance Company for HOA, Savings of approximately $1000.00.

-Change in lawn service with a savings of approximately $1000.00

-Change in attorney who does not charge until he has collected on the violations/assessments. Last attorney billed us first before he collected.

-Plant City code Enforcer has cut vacancy houses and lot to charge the property, with no cost to us.

-It has been hard to collect dues due to economy if any one is having a hardship call your management company McNeil Management so payment arrangements can be set up for you. Let Someone Know. -We will discuss the concerns that were brought up in the meeting about grace periods in our next board meeting in April 2010.

New Business

-HOA will pay up front costs for Forced mowing in turn costs will be put on homeowner

Community updates

-Fencing problem from hole kicked out for access to Magnolia Pool.

-Rain Gauge at front gate has been fixed and operating properly.

-Costs of streetlights from January to September per taxes should be $75.85 per lot.

-Swift Mud being maintained on a quarterly basis

-Swift Mud will be holding a meeting at the HCC Trinkle Center on 2/17/2010 at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Directors Comments:

-We need to have at least 21 homes represented at our next meeting April 26th 2010: Proxy forms will be

posted to our Website

On Motion: Duly made by Jim Frey and seconded by Anthony Jones and carried unanimously.

Resolved: To adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.


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