Trapnell Ridge Community Association, INC Quarterly Meeting October 10, 2016 Lone Oak Baptist Church 3505 Lone Oak Road, Plant City, FL 33567
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association at 6:30pm.
Verification of Quorum
Verification of timely notice of meeting
Verification of minutes from August meeting
Financial Report Presented
Speed Buffers
They will be removed in the near future
Dues reduction to $50 quarterly approved by board
Yard sale will be held October 15th & 16th
Kids Crafts day is scheduled for October 22nd
Volunteers to patrol community for Halloween was discussed
Fall Festival & Turkey give away to be held November 12th at 1pm in the park
Going to reschedule movie night for some time in November to be determined
Discussion on cleaning of community fencing, bids will be obtained
Cars have been broken into send newsletter out
Discussion on slab at entrance & additional lighting for children waiting for school buses- information to be compiled.
One homeowner in attendance, she was seeking information on painters for her home.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 pm