Trapnell Ridge Community Association, INC Quarterly Meeting May 4, 2015 Lone Oak Baptist Church 3505 Lone Oak Road, Plant City, FL 33567
The meeting was called to order by Trapnell Ridge Community Association by Anthony Jones at 6:30pm.
Verification of Quorum
Verification of timely notice of meeting
Verification of minutes from annual meeting
Financial Report Presented by Management Company
Speed Buffers
Anthony has been in contact with the City of Plant City. Working to either get the buffers switched to the original ones that were approved or removed.
Debbie talked about the last quarter community events to include the Spring Party and Yard Sale and all went well.
The yard of the month was chosen and presented.
Squatters in the Pearl Dove house have gone.
There was a discussion about the new Face Book. It was decided that if it remained opened it would be for informational purposes only and there would not be an open forum.
Quotes were received to put a concrete slab under the tent at the park.
Jim Frey gave the ACC report –eight requests were received for painting, fences and a shed. This is the most application received in one quarter. All applications were approved.
The Floor was opened to members and the only question was what is the status of the vacant houses. It was explained that 3704 Trapnell Grove Loop was finally taken control of and had cleaned it out. The house at 3615 Trapnell Grove Loop needed too much work to rent out.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:48 pm