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2nd Quarter Board Meeting - 5/15/23



Board Meeting

May 15, 2023


OnPoint CoWork Solutions (State Farm Building)

1805 N. James L Redman Parkway (2nd Floor)

Plant City, FL 33563

I. Call to Order by Anthony Jones at 6:30PM

II. Verify quorum of board: Kevin Anderson, Jason Stanley, and Anthony Jones in attendance. Quorum obtained.

III. Financial Reports

1. Monthly Financial Reports as of 05.15.2023

o   Cash Operating $22,008.36

o   Cash Reserved $45,137.31

o   Total Cash $67,145.67

IV. New Business

1.     Owners painting without approval.

o   Need approval to send out paint packet or newsletter to all owners.

1.     Board Approves Newsletter to go out 

2.     Boat and trailer parking.

o   Code enforcement addressing boat and trailer parking.

3.     Netting on basketball hoops is damaged.

o   Anthony has replacements stored. Will replace netting once the nets come down.

4.     Holes in canopy canvas at park.

o   Anthony and HCM to look for the original vendor for repairs.

5.     Updates from Sharpescapes

o   Owners dumping mulch into retention ponds.

o   Owners dumping wood fence, etc. into common area behind Trapnell Grove Loop

1.     To address in approved newsletter.

6.     Open Forum

o   Beer cans around two ponds.

1.     Discussion on getting teenage volunteers vs. hired vendor.

a. Board agrees to find a vendor for the cleanup.

o   Membership vs. Board Meeting Noticing for Meetings

1.     Membership meeting (where owners vote) 14 day written notice in advance of the meeting; Board meetings (where only board members vote) 48 hour notice.

a. Request from owners in attendance to send written notice 2 weeks in advance, Facebook post, and 7 day prior notice on meeting to increase community participation.

o   Owners in attendance request different day of the week for meetings other than Mondays.

1.     Poll was placed on Facebook page to see what the owners would prefer.

o   Late fees vs. fines

1.     Under Section 17. Assessments

2.     Per Section 17.18 Non-Payment of Assessments. If any Assessment is not paid within fifteen (15) days…after the due date, a late fee of Twenty-Five and no/100 Dollars ($25.00) per month…, together with interest in amount equal to the maximum rate allowable by law…, per annum, beginning from the due date until paid in full, may be levied.

a. There is no committee required for approval of these fees as set forth in the Declaration and FS 720.3085(3). If the assessment is not paid within 15 days, a late fee is charged automatically to the account. Please ensure that your payments are received in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary charges.

3.     Under Section 20. Owners Liability

4.     Fines, per Section 20.6 Fines. Association…may levy reasonable fines… for failure to comply with any provision of this Declaration…

a. However, these cannot be assessed per Section 20.6.2 until the person sought to be fined has an opportunity for a hearing before a committee.

1.     The Community does not currently have a “Violations

Committee” who would approve or deny fines for violations of

the restrictions set forth in the declaration and FL 720.305. Therefore, no fines for violations have been assessed to any one homeowner.

· Fines are not the same as Attorney’s fees associated with compliance or with the collection of monies owed to the Association.

o   Rental Properties

1.     No current limitations within the documents to prevent the number of rental properties within the community.

o   Basketball Goals

1.     Should be stored resting on its side when not in use. Road play is never allowed.

V. Old Business

1.     Playground Fence Cleaning

o   Need approval for expense

1.     Owners in attendance are reaching out to licensed and insured vendors who live in the community for bids to clean park fence.

VI. Motion to Adjourn by Anthony at 7:20PM, seconded by Jason.



© 2023. Trapnell Ridge Community HOA. Plant City, FL.

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